Keeping Your Car Clean

I still remember the day that I bought my first car. I thought it was the most perfect vehicle in the world, and I vowed to care for it diligently. Unfortunately, within a few days I had forgotten about my promise, and I started tossing fast food wrappers in the back like everyone else. After awhile I realized that neglecting my car was turning the inside into a garbage pit, and I decided to learn how to take better care of my vehicle. I took a class on auto detailing, and it really helped me to turn things around. I want to teach you what I learned, so you should read this blog.

Keeping Your RV In Great Working Order


RV owners can spend thousands each year on costly repairs.  While some of these costs can't be avoided, others can be saved by simple awareness and maintenance of your RV.  These tips will help you care for your RV on a regular basis and save you money on emergency repairs.

Servicing and Replacing Parts

  • Have engine filters and oil changed regularly to keep the engine running smoothly.  The time frame for this is based off of mileage, so check your owner's manual to see what is suggested for your specific RV.
  • Your RV's generator should be regularly serviced, as it has its own system of oil and filters.
  • RV's with rubber roofs can have serious sun damage if not treated regularly.  It's a good idea to get this treated at least once per year.


Both professional and at home inspections are important to keeping your RV running well.  Keep an eye on these items at home to make sure they are in good repair:

  • Keep an eye on the seams and seals of your RV to avoid water damage or leaking.  This should be checked about every 6 months.  Look for any cracks or loose seals that will need to be replaced.
  • Be sure to check tire pressure and tread before you go on any trip to keep your tires in good repair.

These inspections should be performed by professionals:

  • Have your brakes checked regularly as wear and tear can add up to costly repairs later.
  • Have the battery checked before going on any long trip.  RV batteries should last three to five years, but you'll want to be sure to replace them before they are completely drained.

Regular Care

There are also habits you can develop to ensure your RV stays in good repair.  For example, using biodegradable toilet paper in your RV bathroom will keep the waste water system working well long term.  Also, keeping your RV covered when it is parked will protect it from damaging sun rays and undue water damage.

During the winter months it is a good idea to remove the battery from your RV and keep it in a warm place.  This will keep it from freezing and possibly cracking.  Also, if you won't be using it for a few months, be sure to run your generator for regular maintenance.  The gasoline in the generator lasts about 30 days, after which it can break down and start to damage the generator itself.  Running the generator will keep it primed to avoid damage from disuse. To find out more, speak with a business like Auto-Truck Services Inc.


26 June 2015