Keeping Your Car Clean

I still remember the day that I bought my first car. I thought it was the most perfect vehicle in the world, and I vowed to care for it diligently. Unfortunately, within a few days I had forgotten about my promise, and I started tossing fast food wrappers in the back like everyone else. After awhile I realized that neglecting my car was turning the inside into a garbage pit, and I decided to learn how to take better care of my vehicle. I took a class on auto detailing, and it really helped me to turn things around. I want to teach you what I learned, so you should read this blog.

Shocks And Struts: When To Have Them Checked Or Replaced


Shock absorbers and struts are a part of your car that you may not notice until there is a problem. Shocks and struts not only control the ride of the car, but they're an important safety feature as they assist with handling. When your shocks are worn, your car will be more difficult to control and braking will be affected. Here are some things you should know about shocks and struts, signs of wear, and maintenance and replacement.

Shocks vs. Struts:

You may hear people mention both shocks and struts interchangeably, though they are two different components. Both perform the same function, but struts are considered a structural part of the vehicle while shocks are not. Struts are more ruggedly built, last longer, and are more expensive. A few car models will have a strut with a removable cartridge that is similar to a shock absorber. Shocks need more frequent replacement, but are easier to remove. Whether you need shocks or struts depends on the make of your car. If your car requires struts, then they can't use shocks and vice-versa.

Common symptoms of failing shocks and struts:

If your shocks and struts are wearing out, the first thing you may notice is your car seems "bouncier" than usual. Sometimes, your car will "bottom out" where the front or back of the car will hit the pavement when you go over a sizeable bump or dip. You may also notice that your car will bounce forward when you suddenly hit your brakes. Handling around curves will also worsen, though it may be so gradual that you may not notice. You may also notice strange wear on your tires.

Maintenance and replacement:

Struts and shocks require little maintenance. How long they last depends on how your drive and the type of roads you on which you drive your car. Struts should last longer than shocks. One way you can check to see if your shocks or struts are failing is to do a "bounce test" where you push down on the bumper and count the number of times your car bounces after you let go. If your car bounces more than once or twice, your shocks or struts may need to be replaced

If you take your car in for regular auto maintenance, your mechanic should do a visual check of your suspension system at the same time. He or she will look for signs of leaking, broken pieces, and overall wear. If these components are worn, they should be replaced as soon as possible for safety reasons.


12 August 2015