Keeping Your Car Clean

I still remember the day that I bought my first car. I thought it was the most perfect vehicle in the world, and I vowed to care for it diligently. Unfortunately, within a few days I had forgotten about my promise, and I started tossing fast food wrappers in the back like everyone else. After awhile I realized that neglecting my car was turning the inside into a garbage pit, and I decided to learn how to take better care of my vehicle. I took a class on auto detailing, and it really helped me to turn things around. I want to teach you what I learned, so you should read this blog.

Shifting Into Gear: 3 Signs Your Car Has Transmission Problems


The transmission system to your car is like the veins in your body- it takes power from the engine (heart) and deliver it everywhere, especially the wheels, of your car. This mechanism is also referred to as the power train or drivetrain, but its necessity to your vehicle is the same. Costs to fix problems in this system range from $150 to $2,500+, so making sure that you take your car in as soon as there is a problem is very important. The following are the three most common problems that indicate you have a problem with your transmission.

1. Leaking Fluid

The top sign that something is wrong with your car is that it will be leaking fluid out the front or middle of the vehicle. If there are old oil stains where you regularly park your car, the best way to check is to lay down clean cardboard beneath these areas. The most typical color of transmission fluid is clear red, but if it is dirty, the oil can be a dark, cloudy, reddish-brown.

Leave the cardboard over night, and if you have any new leaks in the morning, you know you have an active leak in your system.  Leaking fluid can mean you don't have enough in your system anymore, causing more damage every time you drive. The bigger concern is why there is a leak in the first place- whether it's a loose gasket or a crack in a line, it's important to know why you're seeing fluid.

2. Weird Sounds

Vehicles are known to make all kinds of sounds for many different reasons. The sounds that indicate a transmission issue though are distinct. Listen closely to see if there is any whistling, screeching, buzzing, or whistling sounds coming from your car- especially while moving. Paying close attention can help your mechanic diagnose the problem quickly. Also try to notice if there are any gear-specific sounds, like a clunking noise when switching into drive or reverse, louder noise than usual when in neutral, and any grating when switching into any gear.

3. Shifting Problems

Another thing to pay attention when shifting gears is response time. Your car should respond immediately, with no shaking or grinding. The transmission should stay in gear and never shift without you doing it yourself. Shifting problems are more than just a transmission problem, they are safety problems too. Cars without reliable shifting endanger you and those around you since there's no telling when it will shift, so get to a transmission business like A Transmissions immediately.


4 September 2015